Ticket sales open soon

South Dakota Film Festival

Come join us at the South Dakota Film Festival and experience the magic of cinema on the big screen! We invite all filmmakers to participate in this annual event and showcase their talent. Founded in 2007, the SDFF highlights films from the Great Plains region (SD, MN, ND, IA, WY, MT, and NE) or films shot in the region. But don’t worry, we don’t just choose films based on their location. Our goal is to showcase the best films submitted, no matter where they’re from. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to watch amazing films and participate in engaging discussions. See you there!

Tickets start at $10/session, or $100 for a full festival pass.

Session 5

  • The Wolf (23 mins) SSN
  • Fierro (30 mins) SD *
  • Kissing Frogs (5 mins) SN
  • Indulge Me (14 mins) SSN *
  • The Patrolman (16 mins) SSN *
  • Blue Hour (16 mins) SSN

Session 6

  • Skylar’s Comet (19 mins) SN *
  • Toby (14 mins) SN *
  • Plight (7 mins) SN
  • The Vanishing Point: Tracing Shadows in Prussian Blue (21 mins) SD
  • Come and Save Me (8 mins) SN
  • Kids for Kidnapping (14 mins) SN *
  • I Am Somebody (9 mins) SD

Session 7

  • Sojourn (18 mins) SN *
  • The Site of Unsure (3 mins) SA
  • Blink (5 mins) SN *
  • All Your Yesterdays (16 mins) SN *
  • The Wild World of Frolf (6 mins) SN *
  • Orange Vests and Cigarettes (13 mins) SN *
  • Patient (20 mins) SN
  • Good Grief (17 mins) SN *

Session 8

  • Tim Travers & the Time Travelers Paradox (103 mins) FN *


Sep 14 2024


10:00 AM - 9:15 PM






Aberdeen Capitol Theatre & Cinema
415 S. Main St.


Aberdeen Community Theatre