Moose Lodge Bingo Bonanza
Please join us for a fun afternoon of Bingo at the Moose Lodge!
Games start at 12 p.m. (Doors open 10 a.m.)
- 20 Games / $60 Per Game
- 2 Specials / $100 Per Special
- 2 Warm-up Games ($40 + $10 Moose Bucks)
- 1 Blackout $1000 in 50 Numbers
- Consolation $800
- Additional Split Pot Games
- Warm-up games start at noon immediately followed by regular games $30 per packet
- Food and drinks available
- Event Phone Number: 6052255185
- Contact Person: Mary Ann Schlosser
- Contact Email: mschlosser@abe.midco.net
- Do you anticipate people from more than 100 miles away to attend.: Absolutely