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- 26Pancake Breakfast8:30 AM - 12:30 PM$8 for pancakes, biscuits and gravy, eggs, sausage and choice of drink water, orange juice, milk, chocolate milk, or coffee. , ...Aberdeen Cougar Hockey9:30 AM - 6:00 PMSaturday: 1/25/2025 09:30 AM Aberdeen Brandon Valley Squirt B 1/25/2025 11:00 AM Mitchell Sioux Falls-1 Squirt B 1/25/2025 12:30 PM Aberdeen Yankton Squirt B 1/25/2025 02:00 PM Brandon Valley Mitchell Squirt B 1/25/2025 03:30 PM Yankton Sioux Falls-1 Squirt B 1/25/2025 5:00 PM Aberdeen Oahe G14U 1/25/2025 7:00 PM Aberd , ...Groton Robotics Pancake Feed10:00 AM - 1:00 PMJoin the Groton Robotics and Groton Lions Club at the yearly pancake feed held the same day as the Carnival of Silver Skates. Breakfast will be served from 10am-1pm for a free will donation at the Groton Community Center. , ...5th Anniversary Weekend Bash11:00 AM - 9:00 PMCelebrate Allevity’s 5 Year Anniversary! Enjoy 3 hours of unlimited attractions for just $25. You won’t be disappointed when you see everything we have to offer. Our attractions include but aren’t limited to laser tag, mini bowling, virtual reality, bumper cars, a plethora of arcade games, and last bu , ...37th Annual Aberdeen Merchants Bowling Tournament11:30 AM - 7:00 PMThe Village Bowl’s 37th Annual Merchants Tournament features $3,000 in added money. Shift times are available Saturdays and Sundays throughout January, based on lane availability, so book early to guarantee the shift times you’d like! This is a handicap tournament with Team, Doubles, Singles, and optional A , ...87th Carnival of Silver Skates2:00 PM - 3:00 PMThe Carnival of Silver Skates is the big event for local ice skating enthusiasts. Two performances are given every year on the last Sunday of January. The Carnival of Silver Skates celebrated its 75th anniversary in January 2013. Approximately 125 figure skaters from pre-school to high school participate in this event. , ...NSU Faculty Recital with soprano Darci Bultema and guest pianist Anne Marie Giffin3:00 PM - 4:30 PMJoin us for an afternoon of exquisite music as soprano Darci Bultema and pianist Anne Marie Giffin present Kindred Spirits: Songs of Friendship and Connection, a recital celebrating the bonds of friendship and artistic collaboration. Free and open to the public. , ...
- 27Table of Plenty Meal5:30 PM - 7:00 PMTable of Plenty is a free community meal served at Zion from 5:30-7:00 p.m. on the fourth Monday of every month. Guests are welcomed, seated, and served by community volunteers who have provided the meal for the evening. The goal of this meal is to provide a welcoming atmosphere where all who hunger for food or fellows , ...
- 28Tax Appointment Set Up – AARP Foundation Tax Aid Service9:00 AM - 1:00 PMAARP FOUNDATION TAX AID NOW AT THE STRODE CENTER, 1500 N. Main Street (On the Old Presentation College Campus) APPOINTMENT SET UP DAY Free tax preparation will be provided for those within the scope of the Tax-Aide. NO Age Restrictions Apply. Please DO NOT call the Senior Center. In Person Appointment Scheduling; Tuesd , ...4th Tuesday Of The Month Vendor Show5:00 PM - 8:00 PMLocal Vendors showcasing their product along with Mary and Martha’s Table for Supper. 5-8 located at 617 S 15th Street here in Aberdeen on March 26 , ...
- 29
- 30Chamber Connections8:25 AM - 9:30 AMChamber Connections will be held every Thursday at 8:30 AM at the K.O. Lee Aberdeen Public Library. Re-placing CART, these sessions will focus on topics that matter to you and our community. They’re free to attend, and we’ll share up-coming speakers and themes via our weekly Chamber Announcements. If you have a topic t , ...Idea to Market: 8-Week Program3:30 PM - 5:00 PMParticipants will gain invaluable support, insights, and connections to effectively launch a startup business from scratch through this 8-week program. Meeting every Thursday from 3:30 – 5:00 PM between January 16th and March 6th. , ...Aberdeen Magazine Food Demo6:00 PM - 7:00 PMAberdeen Magazine Food Demo Did you know Aberdeen Magazine has recipes? Join us for an exciting food demonstration hosted by the editor of Aberdeen Magazine, Annie Scott, and where culinary creativity meets delicious flavors! In this exclusive event, the editor will walk you through a mouthwatering recipe, sharing ins , ...Moose Lodge Family Bingo6:00 PM - 10:00 PMPlease join us for a fun evening of Bingo every Thursday! Games start at 6 p.m. (Door open at 4 p.m.) Packets start at $23, 20 Games, Specials Blackout Food and drinks available , ...
- 31Aberdeen Wings Hockey7:00 PM - 10:00 PMAberdeen Wings Hockey Aberdeen Wings vs Austin Bruins Doors open at 5:30pm 7:15 pm Puck drop. Odde Ice Center, Brown County Fairgrounds, 400 24th Ave NW, Aberdeen, SD 57401 , ...
- 1Casey Kulm Memorial Ice Fishing Tournament7:00 AM - 3:00 PMAll proceeds for the event will go to benefit the Aberdeen Aqua Addicts Ski Team and the Casey Kulm Memorial Scholarship Fund REGISTER ONLINE TODAY @ https://www.aquaaddicts.org/icefish/ Cost: $75 per person($100 after Jan 25th) Cash Payout: Top 3 heaviest fish in each category (1st – $750, 2nd – $500, 3rd – $250) C , ...Aberdeen Cougar HockeyAll DayAberdeen Mite (8U) Jamboree , ...RESGEN Men’s Summit 2025 Aberdeen Simulcast8:00 AM - 1:00 PMRESGEN Men’s Summit 2025 is a half-day conference that equips and encourages men, ages 17 and up, to grow and fulfill their purpose as leaders, husbands, fathers, and Christ-followers. The theme for this year’s event is ‘Being a Man of HEART’ and features five dynamic sessions, resources, and sn , ...Winter Vendor and Craft Fair9:00 AM - 2:00 PMJoin us for our fourth annual Winter Vendor and Craft Fair on Saturday, February 1 from 9 AM–2 PM. Lunch will be available for purchase. Our current vendor line-up includes (with more being added daily): *Color Street *Mary Kay *doTerra *Olive Tree Wood Designs *RM Crafts *Tupperware *The Gourmet Cupboard *Av , ...Hub City Radio’s Winter Big Boy Toy Show10:00 AM - 5:00 PMCome see what’s new for 2025! There’s no admission charge to get in!! Vendors include: Jack’s Camper’s Helm Marine Miller Design and MFG LLC for Ultimate Outdoor Vehicle DAV Applied Water Technologies House Doctors Painting and Restoration DanO’s Marine , ...Hub City Radio’s Winter Stop and Shop10:00 AM - 5:00 PMCome see what’s new for 2025! Shop our many vendors! Vendors include:Laurie’s $5 Fashion Flair with PaparazziEssential Options (DoTERRA)Pampered ChefScentsyTastefully SimpleTupperwareLinda’s Homemade CreationsNorwexBETAGrassland GoodiesKitchen Tune-UpAman ImprovementsPrismatic DragonPlexusBack 40 BeefUniquely Han , ...CANCELED Winter Fun Day at Manor Park1:00 PM - 4:00 PMCANCELED DUE TO WARM WEATHER WINTER FUN DAY Come out and enjoy a day of fun activities for youth and adults. Activities will include Ice Skating, Cross Country Ski Lessons, Curling, and Free Hot Chocolate. Activities are free. When: Saturday, February 1 Time: 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Where: Manor Park , ...Pet Rescue League Spayghetti/No Balls Fundraiser5:00 PM - 8:00 PMThe fundraiser will raise money from donations to provide care and temporary foster homes for homeless or surrendered cats and dogs while we work to find their furever homes. We provide love, vet care, food, shelter and training. We do not have a permanent shelter; therefore, all proceeds go to the animals’ care. , ...Community Celebration! Cozy Up at K.O. Lee!6:00 PM - 8:00 PMCommunity Celebration! Cozy Up at K.O. Lee! Put on your fuzziest socks and come to K.O. Lee Library for a novel night out! We’re transforming the library into a restorative paradise! Cats in one room, a Yoga Nidra practice in the next, or just pick out a book and then lounge in one of the library’s many chairs, while h , ...Aberdeen Wings Hockey7:00 PM - 10:00 PMAberdeen Wings Hockey Aberdeen Wings vs Austin Bruins Doors open at 5:30pm 7:15 pm Puck drop. Odde Ice Center, Brown County Fairgrounds, 400 24th Ave NW, Aberdeen, SD 57401 , ...
- 2Aberdeen Cougar HockeyAll DayAberdeen Mite (8U) Jamboree , ...Pancake Sunday8:00 AM - 1:00 PMSupport the Groton Historic Jail Restoration by attending our Pancake Sundays! Free will donation breakfast and lunch will be served the first Sunday of every month starting December 2024 through April 2025 from 8am-1pm at the Groton Community Center! , ...Hub City Radio’s Winter Big Boy Toy Show11:00 AM - 4:00 PMCome see what’s new for 2025! There’s no admission charge to get in!! Vendors include: Jack’s Camper’s Helm Marine Miller Design and MFG LLC for Ultimate Outdoor Vehicle DAV Applied Water Technologies House Doctors Painting and Restoration DanO’s Marine , ...
- 3FUNDRAISING BINGO3:00 PM - 5:00 PMOpen to the PUBLIC, Bring a friend! 18 regular games of BINGO — 2 BLACKOUT games .25¢ for regular BINGO — .50¢ for BLACKOUTLIMIT 4 cards per game. Prizes include various gift cards. $50 Blackout Winner! , ...
- 4AARP Foundation Tax Aide Service10:00 AM - 3:00 PMNOW AT THE STRODE CENTER, 1500 N. Main Street (On the Old Presentation College Campus) Free tax preparation will be provided for those within the scope of the Tax-Aide. NO Age Restrictions Apply. Starting January 29th, 2025, you may call (605) 622-0750 to make or cancel appointments. Please DO NOT call the Senior Cente , ...
- 5Vet’s Coffee9:00 AM - 10:00 AMOPEN TO THE PUBLIC, CASUAL ATMOSPHERE, COFFEE & FRIENDS. ACTIVE & NON-ACTIVE MILITARY ARE INVITED ALONG WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY. DONUTS PROVIDED BY PRAIRIE HEIGHTS HEALTHCARE , ...Toddler Time9:00 AM - 11:00 AMConnect with other parents and caregivers while your little ones build friendships, laugh, play, and bond. Join us on Wednesday 2/5 from 9-11 AM for unlimited fun in our Indoor Children’s Playground for only $4, plus a free coloring sheet activity. , ...
- 6Chamber Connections8:25 AM - 9:30 AMChamber Connections will be held every Thursday at 8:30 AM at the K.O. Lee Aberdeen Public Library. Re-placing CART, these sessions will focus on topics that matter to you and our community. They’re free to attend, and we’ll share up-coming speakers and themes via our weekly Chamber Announcements. If you have a topic t , ...AARP Foundation Tax Aide Service10:00 AM - 3:00 PMNOW AT THE STRODE CENTER, 1500 N. Main Street (On the Old Presentation College Campus) Free tax preparation will be provided for those within the scope of the Tax-Aide. NO Age Restrictions Apply. Starting January 29th, 2025, you may call (605) 622-0750 to make or cancel appointments. Please DO NOT call the Senior Cente , ...Idea to Market: 8-Week Program3:30 PM - 5:00 PMParticipants will gain invaluable support, insights, and connections to effectively launch a startup business from scratch through this 8-week program. Meeting every Thursday from 3:30 – 5:00 PM between January 16th and March 6th. , ...Moose Lodge Family Bingo6:00 PM - 10:00 PMPlease join us for a fun evening of Bingo every Thursday! Games start at 6 p.m. (Door open at 4 p.m.) Packets start at $23, 20 Games, Specials Blackout Food and drinks available , ...
- 7Aberdeen Elks Lodge Entertainment6:00 PM - 10:00 PMDinner and Entertainment Friday, February 7th Salsbury Steak Dinner 6:00pm Ron Geohring Entertianment to follow. Please help share this event. Support the events brought to you by the Aberdeen Elks Lodge. , ...Aberdeen Wings Hockey7:00 PM - 10:00 PMAberdeen Wings Hockey Aberdeen Wings vs Bismarck Bobcats Doors open at 5:30pm 7:15 pm Puck drop. Odde Ice Center, Brown County Fairgrounds, 400 24th Ave NW, Aberdeen, SD 57401 , ...Live Music with Lizzy Hofer8:00 PMJoin us for an evening of music with LIZZY HOFER on February 7 at Hub City Station. 8:00 pm, $5 at the door. Hub City Station has no age restriction. Beer and wine are available for purchase to those 21+. Hub City Station is cash only. There are ATMs available on site. We are located at 1923 Sixth Ave SE, Suite 104, co , ...
- 8Aberdeen Cougar Hockey9:00 AM - 12:00 AMSaturday: 2/8/2025 9:00 AM Aberdeen Sioux Falls Ban B 2/8/2025 11:00 AM Aberdeen Sioux Falls-2 Ban A 2/8/2025 12:00 PM Aberdeen Sioux Falls-1 PW C 2/8/2025 1:00 PM Aberdeen Sioux Falls-E Junior Varsity 2/8/2025 2:00 PM Aberdeen Sioux Falls-1 PW A 2/8/2025 3:00 PM Aberdeen Sioux Falls-E Varsity Sunday: 2/9/2025 11:30 AM , ...Legislative Coffee10:00 AM - 12:00 PMThe Chamber hosts legislative coffees each legislative session. South Dakota Legislators representing Brown County and the surrounding area are invited to attend. Ensuring that laws and legislation remain conducive to Aberdeen’s healthy and vibrant business climate is a top priority for the Aberdeen Area Chamber. , ...3rd Annual Aberdeen Smittys Fundraiser6:00 PM - 11:00 PMJoin us for a fun evening raising money for Smittys Baseball. Raffle, games, social and more! , ...Aberdeen Wings Hockey7:00 PM - 10:00 PMAberdeen Wings Hockey Aberdeen Wings vs Bismarck Bobcats Doors open at 5:30pm 7:15 pm Puck drop. Odde Ice Center, Brown County Fairgrounds, 400 24th Ave NW, Aberdeen, SD 57401 , ...Comedy from Minneapolis with De’Angilo Funches featuring Phil Kolas8:00 PMIt’s another night of comedy with DE’ANGILO FUNCHES featuring PHIL KOLAS at Hub City Station: THE place for live comedy in Aberdeen! February 8, 8pm, doors open at 7:15, $10 at the door. Hub City Station has no age restriction but be aware some acts may contain adult content. Beer and wine are available for purch , ...
- 9Aberdeen Cougar Hockey12:00 AM - 6:00 PMSaturday: 2/8/2025 9:00 AM Aberdeen Sioux Falls Ban B 2/8/2025 11:00 AM Aberdeen Sioux Falls-2 Ban A 2/8/2025 12:00 PM Aberdeen Sioux Falls-1 PW C 2/8/2025 1:00 PM Aberdeen Sioux Falls-E Junior Varsity 2/8/2025 2:00 PM Aberdeen Sioux Falls-1 PW A 2/8/2025 3:00 PM Aberdeen Sioux Falls-E Varsity Sunday: 2/9/2025 11:30 AM , ...Moose Lodge Bingo Bonanza12:00 PMPlease join us for a fun afternoon of Bingo at the Moose Lodge! Games start at 12 p.m. (Doors open 10 a.m.) 20 Games / $60 Per Game 2 Specials / $100 Per Special 2 Warm-up Games ($40 + $10 Moose Bucks) 1 Blackout $1000 in 50 Numbers Consolation $800 Additional Split Pot Games Warm-up games start at noon immediatel , ...The Big Game at Heartland Casino / Hub City Station4:00 PMHeartland Casino and Hub City Station present the BIG GAME ’25! Watch with us as Philadelphia and Kansas City go head-to-head in pro football’s biggest game! We’ll have the Game on in every game room in the casino, as well as on the big screen in Hub City Station Event Center! Players will enjoy $1 be , ...
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- 11AARP Foundation Tax Aide Service10:00 AM - 3:00 PMNOW AT THE STRODE CENTER, 1500 N. Main Street (On the Old Presentation College Campus) Free tax preparation will be provided for those within the scope of the Tax-Aide. NO Age Restrictions Apply. Starting January 29th, 2025, you may call (605) 622-0750 to make or cancel appointments. Please DO NOT call the Senior Cente , ...St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Blood Drive1:00 PM - 6:00 PMWouldn’t be amazing if you could save three lives? Well, you can!! One donation of whole blood can save up to three lives! , ...Caregivers Support Group (Evening Meeting)5:30 PM - 6:30 PMCaregiver Support Group (Open to the Public) was created to provide an added support system for those that are caring for another and may be living with the daily stressors of the process of caring for another person along with attempting to care for themselves. , ...NEW! Family Spanish Story Time (January 14th)6:00 PM - 6:30 PMNEW! Family Spanish Story Time (January 14th) Join us for a fun and interactive Family Spanish Story Time at the library! This special event is open to all ages and offers a wonderful opportunity for children to explore the world of language through stories, songs, and engaging activities—all in Spanish. Perfect for fa , ...Nuevo! Family Story Time en Español6:00 PM - 6:30 PMNuevo! Family Story Time en Español Acompáñanos a una Aventura divertida e interactiva con Family Story Time en español. Este evento exclusivo de la biblioteca K. O. Lee es para todas las edades, además ofrece la oportunidad a los niños de explorar el mundo del idioma español através de cuentos, canciones y actividades , ...
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- 13Chamber Connections8:25 AM - 9:30 AMChamber Connections will be held every Thursday at 8:30 AM at the K.O. Lee Aberdeen Public Library. Re-placing CART, these sessions will focus on topics that matter to you and our community. They’re free to attend, and we’ll share up-coming speakers and themes via our weekly Chamber Announcements. If you have a topic t , ...AARP Foundation Tax Aide Service10:00 AM - 3:00 PMNOW AT THE STRODE CENTER, 1500 N. Main Street (On the Old Presentation College Campus) Free tax preparation will be provided for those within the scope of the Tax-Aide. NO Age Restrictions Apply. Starting January 29th, 2025, you may call (605) 622-0750 to make or cancel appointments. Please DO NOT call the Senior Cente , ...Idea to Market: 8-Week Program3:30 PM - 5:00 PMParticipants will gain invaluable support, insights, and connections to effectively launch a startup business from scratch through this 8-week program. Meeting every Thursday from 3:30 – 5:00 PM between January 16th and March 6th. , ...Chamber Business After Hour’s Mixer4:30 PM - 6:30 PMLooking to take your networking to the next level? Join us for Business After Hours with the Aberdeen Area Chamber of Commerce. Dive into an evening filled with energy, as you connect with like-minded professionals, share fresh ideas, and build valuable relationships. This is your chance to elevate your business in a f , ...Moose Lodge Family Bingo6:00 PM - 10:00 PMPlease join us for a fun evening of Bingo every Thursday! Games start at 6 p.m. (Door open at 4 p.m.) Packets start at $23, 20 Games, Specials Blackout Food and drinks available , ...NSU Symphonic Band presents: Celebrating Black History Month7:30 PM - 9:00 PMJoin the Northern State University Symphonic Band as we celebrate Black History Month with music from a variety of Black composers. , ...
- 14Aberdeen Cougar Hockey6:00 PM - 12:00 AMFriday: 2/14/2025 6:00 PM Aberdeen Watertown G14U 2/14/2025 8:00 PM Aberdeen Watertown GV Saturday: 2/15/2025 9:00 AM Aberdeen Brookings PW C 2/15/2025 11:00 AM Aberdeen Yankton G14U 2/15/2025 12:00 PM Brandon Valley Aberdeen PW A 2/15/2025 1:00 PM Aberdeen Watertown GV 2/15/2025 3:00 PM Brandon Valley Aberdeen Ban A S , ...Aberdeen Elks Lodge Entertainment6:00 PM - 10:00 PMDinner and Entertainment Friday, February 14th Chicken Dinner 6:00pm Double S Duo Entertianment to follow. Please help share this event. Support the events brought to you by the Aberdeen Elks Lodge. , ...Valentine’s Day Dinner and Dance6:00 PM - 10:00 PMJoin us at the Moose Lodge for a Valentine’s Day Dinner and Dance! , ...
- 15The First Annual Mike Snover Memorial Scratch Bowling TournamentAll DayThe Village Bowl is excited to honor SD USBC Hall of Famer Mike Snover as we host our annual scratch tournament February 15-16, 2025! Format for the Mike Snover Memorial Scratch Tournament will be the same as previous years with 8 games qualifying on Saturday; the top bowlers will move onto match play on Sunday followe , ...President’s Day Weekend SpecialAll DayCelebrate President’s Day Weekend with your loved ones and make unforgettable memories! For just $28, enjoy three hours of unlimited fun plus a $17 Arcade Game Card. There’s no better way to spend your long weekend than having a blast with family and friends! , ...Mina Lake Casino Night6:00 PM - 9:00 PMOver $30,000 in prizes. Over 20 games of chance and skill. Free admission. Free transportation from/to Aberdeen, Ipswich, Mina. 2025 Theme: HOLLYWOOD Musical entertainment to follow at 9:00pm , ...Aberdeen Cougar HockeyAll DayFriday: 2/14/2025 6:00 PM Aberdeen Watertown G14U 2/14/2025 8:00 PM Aberdeen Watertown GV Saturday: 2/15/2025 9:00 AM Aberdeen Brookings PW C 2/15/2025 11:00 AM Aberdeen Yankton G14U 2/15/2025 12:00 PM Brandon Valley Aberdeen PW A 2/15/2025 1:00 PM Aberdeen Watertown GV 2/15/2025 3:00 PM Brandon Valley Aberdeen Ban A S , ...Aberdeen Wings Hockey7:00 PM - 10:00 PMAberdeen Wings Hockey Aberdeen Wings vs Watertown Shamrocks Doors open at 5:30pm 7:15 pm Puck drop. Odde Ice Center, Brown County Fairgrounds, 400 24th Ave NW, Aberdeen, SD 57401 , ...Galentine’s! Comedy from Alisha Rayne, Jocelyn Abad, music by Trish Darell, hosted by Tony Tubes8:00 PMIt’s a Galentine’s Ladies’ Night with comedy by ALISHA RAYNE, JOCELYN ABAD, music by TRISH DARELL, hosted by TONY TUBES at Hub City Station: THE place for live comedy in Aberdeen! February 8, 8pm, doors open at 7:15, $10 at the door. This event is open to anyone of any gender who appreciates quality e , ...Fight The Freeze with Judd Hoos and Rock Godz8:00 PMThis night will be filled with high energy with two exciting performances with Judd Hoos Band and then to end the night with Rock Godz. It’s going to be an epic night of two great bands. Join us at the Dakota Event Center on February 15, 2025 , ...
- 16The First Annual Mike Snover Memorial Scratch Bowling TournamentAll DayThe Village Bowl is excited to honor SD USBC Hall of Famer Mike Snover as we host our annual scratch tournament February 15-16, 2025! Format for the Mike Snover Memorial Scratch Tournament will be the same as previous years with 8 games qualifying on Saturday; the top bowlers will move onto match play on Sunday followe , ...President’s Day Weekend SpecialAll DayCelebrate President’s Day Weekend with your loved ones and make unforgettable memories! For just $28, enjoy three hours of unlimited fun plus a $17 Arcade Game Card. There’s no better way to spend your long weekend than having a blast with family and friends! , ...Aberdeen Cougar Hockey12:00 AM - 3:00 PMFriday: 2/14/2025 6:00 PM Aberdeen Watertown G14U 2/14/2025 8:00 PM Aberdeen Watertown GV Saturday: 2/15/2025 9:00 AM Aberdeen Brookings PW C 2/15/2025 11:00 AM Aberdeen Yankton G14U 2/15/2025 12:00 PM Brandon Valley Aberdeen PW A 2/15/2025 1:00 PM Aberdeen Watertown GV 2/15/2025 3:00 PM Brandon Valley Aberdeen Ban A S , ...
- 17President’s Day Weekend SpecialAll DayCelebrate President’s Day Weekend with your loved ones and make unforgettable memories! For just $28, enjoy three hours of unlimited fun plus a $17 Arcade Game Card. There’s no better way to spend your long weekend than having a blast with family and friends! , ...The All New Wizard Of Oz On Ice7:00 PM - 8:30 PMStep into a mesmerizing world where fantasy meets frost in “Wizard of Oz On Ice,” the latest enchanting production from Ice Creative Entertainment. From the same visionary producers who brought you spellbinding spectacles such as “Peter Pan On Ice,” “Cinderella On Ice,” and “Be , ...
- 18AARP Foundation Tax Aide Service10:00 AM - 3:00 PMNOW AT THE STRODE CENTER, 1500 N. Main Street (On the Old Presentation College Campus) Free tax preparation will be provided for those within the scope of the Tax-Aide. NO Age Restrictions Apply. Starting January 29th, 2025, you may call (605) 622-0750 to make or cancel appointments. Please DO NOT call the Senior Cente , ...
- 19Toddler Time9:00 AM - 11:00 AMJoin us on Wednesday 2/19 from 9-11 AM for unlimited fun in our Indoor Children’s Playground for only $4, plus a free coloring sheet activity. , ...
- 20Chamber Connections8:25 AM - 9:30 AMChamber Connections will be held every Thursday at 8:30 AM at the K.O. Lee Aberdeen Public Library. Re-placing CART, these sessions will focus on topics that matter to you and our community. They’re free to attend, and we’ll share up-coming speakers and themes via our weekly Chamber Announcements. If you have a topic t , ...AARP Foundation Tax Aide Service10:00 AM - 3:00 PMNOW AT THE STRODE CENTER, 1500 N. Main Street (On the Old Presentation College Campus) Free tax preparation will be provided for those within the scope of the Tax-Aide. NO Age Restrictions Apply. Starting January 29th, 2025, you may call (605) 622-0750 to make or cancel appointments. Please DO NOT call the Senior Cente , ...Sacred Heart Church Blood Drive1:00 PM - 6:00 PMWouldn’t be amazing if you could save three lives? Well, you can!! One donation of whole blood can save up to three lives! You can schedule an appointment today by using the QR code to the right or contact Craig Green @ 605-380-3586 or cgreen1@vitlant.org. For general information about the drive, you can contact , ...Idea to Market: 8-Week Program3:30 PM - 5:00 PMParticipants will gain invaluable support, insights, and connections to effectively launch a startup business from scratch through this 8-week program. Meeting every Thursday from 3:30 – 5:00 PM between January 16th and March 6th. , ...Moose Lodge Family Bingo6:00 PM - 10:00 PMPlease join us for a fun evening of Bingo every Thursday! Games start at 6 p.m. (Door open at 4 p.m.) Packets start at $23, 20 Games, Specials Blackout Food and drinks available , ...
- 21Boys & Girls Club of Aberdeen Area – Annual Banquet & Fundraising Event6:00 PM - 9:00 PMSpend an evening celebrating the Boys & Girls Club of Aberdeen Area and all that they provide the youth and many families of our great community. This year’s special guest speaker has yet to be determined as we are working with a couple of possible speakers at this time. This is a fundraising event including severa , ...Aberdeen Elks Lodge Entertainment6:00 PM - 10:00 PMDinner and Entertainment Friday, February 21st Lasagna Dinner 6:00pm Bob Styles Entertianment to follow. Please help share this event. Support the events brought to you by the Aberdeen Elks Lodge. , ...Fun After Dark8:00 PM - 11:00 PMLove is in the air this February, and Fun After Dark: Valentine’s Day Edition is the ultimate way to celebrate! 💕 Grab your date or your besties and join us on February 21st from 8 PM to 11 PM for an unforgettable night of fun. For just $29.99, you’ll get unlimited attractions, arcade games, and a drink ticket. P , ...
- 22Aberdeen Cougar Hockey10:00 AM - 12:00 AMSaturday: 2/22/2025 10:00 AM Aberdeen Sioux Falls G14U 2/22/2025 12:00 PM Aberdeen Sioux Falls GV 2/22/2025 2:00 PM Aberdeen Yankton Ban B 2/22/2025 4:00 PM Aberdeen Mitchell Ban A 2/22/2025 6:00 PM Aberdeen Yankton Junior Varsity 2/22/2025 8:00 PM Aberdeen Yankton Varsity Sunday: 2/23/2025 9:00 AM Aberdeen Yankton Ban , ...Legislative Coffee10:00 AM - 12:00 PMThe Chamber hosts legislative coffees each legislative session. South Dakota Legislators representing Brown County and the surrounding area are invited to attend. Ensuring that laws and legislation remain conducive to Aberdeen’s healthy and vibrant business climate is a top priority for the Aberdeen Area Chamber. , ...Midwest Dueling Pianos5:30 PM - 9:00 PMJoin us for a fun-filled evening with Midwest Dueling Pianos while supporting Spurs Therapeutic Riding Center. Area Federal Credit union is hosting a charity event on Saturday, February 22nd at the DEC. Evening includes a dinner buffet and entertainment from Midwest Dueling Pianos. Tickets are $40 and can be purchased , ...Bellator Titans MC Inc.. Casino Night Fundraiser6:00 PM - 11:00 PMBring your friends and come out for an evening of entertainment. Try your luck at our casino style games. Portion of the proceeds go to support Camp Gilbert (Diabetic Camp) and Tiger Post (After School Program). , ...
- 23Aberdeen Cougar Hockey12:00 AM - 6:00 PMSaturday: 2/22/2025 10:00 AM Aberdeen Sioux Falls G14U 2/22/2025 12:00 PM Aberdeen Sioux Falls GV 2/22/2025 2:00 PM Aberdeen Yankton Ban B 2/22/2025 4:00 PM Aberdeen Mitchell Ban A 2/22/2025 6:00 PM Aberdeen Yankton Junior Varsity 2/22/2025 8:00 PM Aberdeen Yankton Varsity Sunday: 2/23/2025 9:00 AM Aberdeen Yankton Ban , ...Hub City Radio’s Bridal Show12:00 PM - 3:00 PMHub City Radio and Revive Day Spa would like to invite you to the 2025 Annual Bridal Showcase! This special event will be held at The Dakota Event Center Aberdeen, SD on Sunday, February 23 from Noon to 3PM. If you’ve got a wedding on the horizon, make your plans to be at the Bridal Showcase to find all of the magic , ...
- 24Table of Plenty Meal5:30 PM - 7:00 PMTable of Plenty is a free community meal served at Zion from 5:30-7:00 p.m. on the fourth Monday of every month. Guests are welcomed, seated, and served by community volunteers who have provided the meal for the evening. The goal of this meal is to provide a welcoming atmosphere where all who hunger for food or fellows , ...
- 25AARP Foundation Tax Aide Service10:00 AM - 3:00 PMNOW AT THE STRODE CENTER, 1500 N. Main Street (On the Old Presentation College Campus) Free tax preparation will be provided for those within the scope of the Tax-Aide. NO Age Restrictions Apply. Starting January 29th, 2025, you may call (605) 622-0750 to make or cancel appointments. Please DO NOT call the Senior Cente , ...4th Tuesday Of The Month Vendor Show5:00 PM - 8:00 PMLocal Vendors showcasing their product along with Mary and Martha’s Table for Supper. 5-8 located at 617 S 15th Street here in Aberdeen on March 26 , ...
- 26
- 27Chamber Connections8:25 AM - 9:30 AMChamber Connections will be held every Thursday at 8:30 AM at the K.O. Lee Aberdeen Public Library. Re-placing CART, these sessions will focus on topics that matter to you and our community. They’re free to attend, and we’ll share up-coming speakers and themes via our weekly Chamber Announcements. If you have a topic t , ...AARP Foundation Tax Aide Service10:00 AM - 3:00 PMNOW AT THE STRODE CENTER, 1500 N. Main Street (On the Old Presentation College Campus) Free tax preparation will be provided for those within the scope of the Tax-Aide. NO Age Restrictions Apply. Starting January 29th, 2025, you may call (605) 622-0750 to make or cancel appointments. Please DO NOT call the Senior Cente , ...Boys & Girls Club Blood Drive1:00 PM - 6:00 PMEach blood donation can save up to three lives! We hope you take this opportunity of donating your blood and time to help those in need. You can schedule an appointment by using the QR code to the right or contact Craig Green @ 605-380-3586 or cgreen1@vitalant.org. You can also talk to a Boys & Girls Club Staff mem , ...Idea to Market: 8-Week Program3:30 PM - 5:00 PMParticipants will gain invaluable support, insights, and connections to effectively launch a startup business from scratch through this 8-week program. Meeting every Thursday from 3:30 – 5:00 PM between January 16th and March 6th. , ...Moose Lodge Family Bingo6:00 PM - 10:00 PMPlease join us for a fun evening of Bingo every Thursday! Games start at 6 p.m. (Door open at 4 p.m.) Packets start at $23, 20 Games, Specials Blackout Food and drinks available , ...
- 28SDAHA Bantam A State Tournament (Hockey)All DayThe top 8 Teams in the Bantam A Division will compete for the state championship in Aberdeen at the Odde Ice Center. Games will begin on Friday with semi-finals on Saturday, and the championship on Sunday. There will be 4 games each day. Teams will be ranked 1-8 by league rankings. , ...Aberdeen Elks Lodge Entertainment6:00 PM - 10:00 PMDinner and Entertainment Friday, February 28th Taco Bar Dinner 6:00pm David Redfield Entertianment to follow. Please help share this event. Support the events brought to you by the Aberdeen Elks Lodge. , ...Aberdeen Family YMCA Luau6:00 PM - 8:00 PMA fun night out of the cold! Bring your kids in for a night of games, fun, and activities at the YMCA! Free to members and $15 per non-member families. Food and drinks will be served! , ...
- 110th Annual Aberdeen Roncalli Snowball Classic – Youth Boys Basketball Tournament10th Annual Aberdeen Roncalli Snowball Classic – Youth Boys Basketball Tournament March 1 – 2, 2025 (3) Game Minimum $150 Team Entry Fee Certified Refs! Great Competition from North and South Dakota! Championship Sunday Experience with awards, music, and lineup announcements! Contacts: kim.bowman@dacotahhba , ...SDAHA Bantam A State Tournament (Hockey)All DayThe top 8 Teams in the Bantam A Division will compete for the state championship in Aberdeen at the Odde Ice Center. Games will begin on Friday with semi-finals on Saturday, and the championship on Sunday. There will be 4 games each day. Teams will be ranked 1-8 by league rankings. , ...Daniel Parsons Art Open House “Over The Hill Images”1:00 PM - 4:00 PMDaniel Parsons of Aberdeen is a prolific painter of wildlife and nature themes. The open spaces of the Dakotas and a youth spent on the prairie have served as both setting and inspiration for his creative process. His work has included commissions for Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, a , ...“Rhapsody in Red, White, and Blue” with Aberdeen University/Civic Symphony7:30 PMOn March 1, 2025, Aberdeen University/Civic Symphony will celebrate “Rhapsody in Red, White, and Blue”— a remarkable evening that highlights the American spirit through music. We are excited to present the South Dakota premiere of Peter Boyer’s “Rhapsody in Red, White, and Blue” with renowned pianist Jeffre , ...Comedy with Eric Slivoskey featuring Tony Tubes8:00 PMJoin us for another night of comedy with ERIC SLIVOSKEY featuring TONY TUBES at Hub City Station: THE place for live comedy in Aberdeen! March 1, 2025, 8pm, doors open at 7:15, $10 at the door. Hub City Station has no age restriction but be aware some acts may contain adult content. Beer and wine are available for purc , ...